Chapter Twenty: A New Job
Yesenia and Steve introduced Sam to Jennifer Johnson and Carlos Martínez, partners who now operated the Remesa Banking Company.
Carlos said, “We have heard about you. Jennifer and I are eager to see if there’s some way we can offer you a job. Yesenia has been processing the work, but soon she’ll need to take maternity leave. Jennifer and I have been busy building the business, advertising and such. We can start you out at ten dollars an hour. Whether you stay depends on how well you can do the job.”
Sam replied, “That’s a good offer. All I’ve gotten until now was charity offering me six dollars an hour.”
Jennifer explained, “Your labor will probably be worth ten dollars an hour to us. Before Operation U.S.A. Freedom, small businesses were reluctant to hire somebody in your position, because they’d have to put you on their medical plan, and the cost was prohibitive. We won’t offer medical benefits. I don’t imagine you’ll find any reasonable rate now, either, because it’s obvious that your medical bills will be enormous. The lawmakers didn’t care if you couldn’t get a job, because they could just steal money from innocent people to give you welfare. A lot of welfare recipients actually thought they owed those lawmakers a debt of gratitude.”
Sam agreed. “Why should a medical insurance company take a customer like me? My bills over the next month are expected to be in the thousands of dollars. That would be like a casino letting you bet on a roulette number after you see the outcome. You pay one hundred dollars, knowing you’ll get back thirty-five hundred.”
Carlos explained, “This isn’t charity. We will be able to cut you some slack, with unpaid time off if you need it to go to the doctor, but business is business.”
Sam accepted the deal. “Sounds like a good deal to me at this point. I’ll try to do a good job. Ten dollars an hour will soon go further than before Operation U.S.A. Freedom. Rents will be dropping. I never owned a car, but I always had to pay for the cost of a required parking lot, which the landlord passed along to me.”
Jennifer mentioned, “Construction costs have actually gone up. That’s because new laws forbid contractors to emit loud noise in residential areas. Before, those laws only applied at night, but now, they apply at all hours. I don’t know who told lawmakers that people only slept at night. Lots of night-shift workers have to sleep in the daytime, but lawmakers never cared about their rights before. There are ways to build without making loud noise, but they cost more. However, construction is much more land-efficient, because there are no zoning restrictions.”
Sam said, “I’m glad they’ve revised the building codes. Like you say, night shift workers sleep in the daytime, and it was illegal to build bedrooms without windows, because lawmakers wanted night-shift workers to suffer from light and noise. When I worked in construction, they also required us to install electrical outlets along the baseboards, so children could electrocute themselves by removing the protective plugs and sticking pins into the outlets.”
A woman walked into the office. “I hope I’m not interrupting. I’m looking for a job. Whom do I see about getting an interview?”
Jennifer looked at Carlos and then replied, “We are hiring, because we are expanding. We’ll be needing more and more people to process the workload. Do you have data entry experience?”
“No, I’m sorry.” the woman answered. “I’m a mother. My name is Tina, by the way. I stayed at home and took care of the children while my husband went out and earned the money. Then he became a Freedom Fighter, and made the supreme sacrifice in Operation U.S.A. Freedom.”
Jennifer was interested. “What happened?”
Tina answered, “Well, there were so many battles in Operation U.S.A. Freedom, you may not have heard of this one. It happened last October. My husband got a job as a janitor at a police station in Brooklyn, New York, the 70th Precinct.”
Jennifer asked, “Isn’t that the one where the cops shoved the toilet plunger up the guy’s butt on 9 August 1997?”
Tina replied, “Yes, that’s the one. My husband’s first day on the job, he rolled a mop bucket into a room. The police captain said he couldn’t mop the floor, because they were just about to start roll call. My husband left the mop bucket and said he’d return later to mop the floor. The captain didn’t know my husband was holding his breath. Dozens of cops walked into the room, and some started gasping for breath. The mop bucket had ammonia and bleach mixed together. Cops tried to help their gasping brother officers, only to start gasping themselves. As they tried to flee the room, my husband was down the hall, firing at them as they stepped into the hallway. This kept the cops trapped inside a room with poison gas.”
Jennifer said, “Kind of like Columbine, where the cops kept the students trapped inside a building with snipers inside it, except that the students didn’t deserve to die.”
Tina continued, “Well, a detective came down the stairs and saw my husband perched in the hallway, gun in hand, ready to shoot the cops that might emerge from the room. My husband engaged the detective in a gunfight, but lost, and got killed in action, but he already killed seventeen cops.”
Jennifer observed, “Pretty good yield for one Freedom Fighter. The government was using those cops as weapons of violence to intimidate innocent people into not exercising their God-given rights, and your husband took seventeen weapons away from the government.”
Tina said, “Yes, and the publicity also taught more people this way to take out cops. People learned that they could recharge fire extinguishers designed for water, with ammonia and bleach, and spray it at a cop’s head, disabling the cop so the Freedom Fighter could capture the cop’s gun as a prize of war, and use it when the police dispatcher sends more targets. Billy Americano once pointed out that one advantage the Freedom Fighters would have was that the enemy would never know who would strike, nor when, nor where, nor how, and there are a lot of different ways to take out a cop. SWAT teams dressed in the best bullet-resistant gear in the world could still be attacked. Also, the news media reported the text of a note found in my husband’s pocket that read, ‘Vote wrong, cops die. Don’t like it? Don’t do it.’ This not only deterred members of the New York Legislature from voting wrong, it also deterred many voters from re-electing candidates who support unjust laws.”
Jennifer said, “Carlos and I are partners. I’d like to hire you if he concurs. Carlos, what do you say we give preference to the widows and widowers of Freedom Fighters killed in action? A lot of businesses are run by enemies of liberty, and they give preference to the survivors of cops that got themselves killed enforcing unjust laws.”
Carlos replied, “An excellent idea, in the hiring process, but we cannot keep workers who are unable to do good work. Business is business. We will hire them if all other factors are equal.”
Copyright © 2004 Tom Alciere